Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Emerald City

I got up this morning at 5:37 to the sounds of trucks pulling in and out of the driveway. This is life on the farm in the middle of summer when it is going to be a HOT day. Heat indices today are to be 106 degrees. Whew.

The guys have livestock moving to accomplish today and you have to start pretty early when it will be so nasty out. They've already left with their first truckload and it's only 6:28 AM. Of course they feel behind as sunrise today was 5:06 and they weren't outside.

Normally if it was so hot at this time of the year we would be concerned about moisture and corn starting to curl. I can honestly say that things around here could not be greener! We have had so much rain and feel neglected if we don't get at least 1/2" a day. Who needs a sauna when you can live here this summer.

Mowing grass has become a full time job. Weeds of course are flourishing. Bugs, especially those nasty earwigs, are running rampant. But the colors overtake my senses. It is truly lush and we are blessed. Capturing the growth of the crops is a seemingly endless job as they appear to mature right in front of my eyes.

But I must go as there is work to be done. I'm certainly not going to bake today, that is for sure. Cold lunches and suppers are in order for the remainder of the week. I'm sure it will rain again soon and put us out of our misery. In the meantime, stay dry and come enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer here "down on the farm."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Making a Difference

Yesterday we went to a wedding for a very dear friend. He actually is more like a son to us and means the world to our family. Brad has a long history with us and it just keeps getting better.

At the age of 15, he came to work at our farm and was a little wet behind the ears. Dan thought he was a pretty cool guy and was glad to have another male in the mix. Brad was a quick learner and hard, diligent worker. But he had difficulty making good choices sometimes.

Brad continued working for us through high school. He shared many meals at our table, enjoyed our family banter, and became one of the kids. I will never forget the time I sat him down at the kitchen table and tore into him for something he had done at school that I had found out about. He was trembling when I finished but I got my point across.

Brad was always "on call" when it came to farm work. When Steve was in the hospital for 11 days a number of years ago, it was Brad who came and helped Dan keep things going. During extended vacations, Brad was the reason we didn't worry much about what was going on. And if we got behind in field work, we could give him a call and he always showed up.

Over the years we have watched him become a very honest, hard working, dedicated individual, one we are very honored to know. He has done us proud. And yesterday he married a woman who appreciates him for who he is and what he does. We wish them the very best.

With tears in his eyes last night as we were ready to leave, he conveyed to us how much we have meant to him over the years in terms of stability, steerage and love. With tears in our eyes we expressed the same sentiments. Together, we have all done a worthwhile job and have made a difference in each other's lives. We love you Brad and Jamie!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blessed Four Times Over (and then some)

All of our children were home this weekend, some for longer, to celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary of my in-laws. Such a milestone! Sixty years is worth a lot of celebrating. We had a wonderful dinner with 14 on Friday night and played a Jeopardy type game that Rachel made up based on June 5, 1949, their wedding date. What special memories we created.

The time flies too quickly. We play, visit, and eat very well. There's always something going on that no one wants to miss. Too much to do and so little time. We have a wedding to plan for for next year and I know that will involve more trips home (lucky us.)

Now everyone is safely home, back with their significant others. They weren't all able to make the trip but I know that their hearts were with us. Steve and I are so blessed, many times over. Our four children have brought more wonderful people into our lives than we could have possibly hoped for. I don't know what kind of luck we had in them turning out so well and finding such thoughtful and loving spouses/fiancees but we were and we appreciate it more than ever.

So here's to family, memories, and friendships, good food, fun, and cards. We love you all. Thanks for your caring and love.