Thursday, October 18, 2007

Good Grief

I have been getting grief lately about my lack of blogging. I guess one could say that blogging has taken a back seat to wedding. It seems that much of my time and energy, what little I have left at the end of the day, is used to stay organized and try to keep my head above water. Mix that in with harvest "down on the farm" and things have been busy.
Yes, I will admit I have been playing some. A trip to DC to see the girls and have them make me aware of how REALLY OLD I am was a somewhat humbling experience. Glad I'm off the dating scene. And clubbing isn't something I would want to do much of.
Anyway, with just one week and counting to go to Rachel and Paul's wedding, and my girls coming home on Saturday, I doubt I will get much accomplished other than surviving. So I will take another week vacation and catch up with all of you faithful readers after October 27th.
Thanks for your patronage.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

One of THOSE days

Do you remember when you were little and there were those days you will just never forget? Well, today is one of those. Nothing exciting has happened, no earth shattering news. Just a glorious, the sky is blue with no clouds, kinda day. It's somewhere between cool and warm, slight breeze, the corn beginning to get a little brittle, and an expectation of things going to happen just around the corner. The smell of fall's entry is in the air. Time to shut the windows at night in expectation of chilly evenings.

But today, right now, just the perfect day. Should be inside working but I'm looking for things to do outside. These precious days need to be tucked away and savored for those bone-chilling days that will soon be upon us. I think I will look at the dishes in the sink and go outside to pick some of those last tomatoes clinging to the vine. Nothing ever tasted so good and I'd hate for them to be wasted.