Monday, March 31, 2008

Gel pens and other "cool" stuff

I have to explain something that I do in my class the last day of every week. All week long students are "awarded" during the day with my chance cards. These are little slips of paper I give out when students do something fabulous, which in the world of a third grade teacher can be simply tying your shoes without making a spectacle, or giving an awesome answer, volunteering for a job, etc. Chance cards are put in a can and I draw out 5 names for big prizes and 5 names for pencils each week. We incorporate a lot of probability in this also as math is an important part of my life.

Well, last week I was at Target and they had tons of trinkets for 75% off and when an item is only $1 to begin with, (more math here, that's now down to 25 cents), I bought more than my share of items. Really, really cool stuff.

Today we had our Chance Drawing from the last week before break as things got crazy that last day. The can of papers was filled to the brim, all the students sitting there expectantly. I look at those faces and wish we could all be enamored by the little things in life like that.

After previewing for the students my latest finds, they were sitting on the edge of their chairs. Rabbit slinkys, packets of really cool pencils, gumball machines, toy cars, and many sets of 8 brightly colored gel pens.

One of the winners, Charmel, chose the brightly colored gel pens. Who wouldn't? Needless to say she could hardly wait to get them open. I suggested that since it was raining outside and we would be staying in for lunch recess she try them out and make sure they worked. You never know about those cheapo pens.

When I returned from lunch, there on my desk, was the most adorable letter from charmel and alyssa (not a misspelling on my part, they forgot to capitalize their names). Each line was written in a different color and quite artistic. They couldn't say enough about their wonderful year and how much they love the new pens. It looks like alyssa might be picking those if she wins next week.

Remember third grade? Wasn't life simple? Your day could be made with a packet of 8 gel pens!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A whole week off

It has now officially been one week that I have had off for spring break. Such a long list of things to do. Rather than dwell on the "to do" list, I would like you to know what I have accomplished that has been FUN! Isn't that what breaks are for?

I have:
*Had lunch with a new friend of about 3 months. Had a delightful time.
*Went shopping with my 3 friends. We all have March birthdays and have gone shopping to celebrate for 23 years.
*Read a wonderful book, "People of the Book", an absolute must read.
*Knit 9 out of 20 squares of a child's afghan for a friend of mine.
*Fixed some awesome meals.
*Looked into getting a new foundation, windows, and heating system for the house.
*Became adept at using my new GPS navigator.
*Made homemade bread for the first time in many years.
*Washed some laundry (yes, I love doing laundry and consider it fun.)
*Had many cups of coffee in my robe while reading the paper.
*Been watching the NCAA tournaments.
*Celebrated Easter!
*Saw some brand new baby calves and are they ever cute.


Oh, and I cleaned out a cabinet : )