Thursday, March 27, 2008

A whole week off

It has now officially been one week that I have had off for spring break. Such a long list of things to do. Rather than dwell on the "to do" list, I would like you to know what I have accomplished that has been FUN! Isn't that what breaks are for?

I have:
*Had lunch with a new friend of about 3 months. Had a delightful time.
*Went shopping with my 3 friends. We all have March birthdays and have gone shopping to celebrate for 23 years.
*Read a wonderful book, "People of the Book", an absolute must read.
*Knit 9 out of 20 squares of a child's afghan for a friend of mine.
*Fixed some awesome meals.
*Looked into getting a new foundation, windows, and heating system for the house.
*Became adept at using my new GPS navigator.
*Made homemade bread for the first time in many years.
*Washed some laundry (yes, I love doing laundry and consider it fun.)
*Had many cups of coffee in my robe while reading the paper.
*Been watching the NCAA tournaments.
*Celebrated Easter!
*Saw some brand new baby calves and are they ever cute.


Oh, and I cleaned out a cabinet : )

1 comment:

Multiple Personalities said...

You need to post some pics of the new babies. Calves, that is.