Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Sweet Smell of Summer

If you have ever lived in the Midwest, or any farming community for that matter, you know exactly what I am talking about and pretty much guess the theme of my post. Think you know? Did you guess newly baled hay?

The guys have been busy getting in their first cutting of hay, unusual due to the massive amounts of rain that we have had. We ate supper last night at 9:00 and it appears that I am on "hay duty" late this morning. Not the worst job in the world.

But I digress. Last night when I heard the tractors pull in the driveway followed by two very large racks of hay, I ventured outside to find out how soon we would eat so I could put the finishing touches on supper. I was met with a smell that overloaded my senses. The air was permeated with the freshest smell you can imagine. Bouquets of roses don't even compare. I just stood and inhaled for about 30 seconds, relishing the smells of summer on a farm.

Our cattle were peering over the fence as they also had gotten a whiff of their favorite delicacy. They must have thought it was Christmas Eve and today they will get to enjoy the visions of sugarplums that must have danced in their heads all night.

Lots of hard work. Dan said that if he baled 10 racks of hay every day, he would probably be so strong and big. No doubt. As for me, I am content to just drive the baler and listen to my iPod.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How did I live without....?

Ever wonder how you lived without certain items? I got the following email today from my daughter Janice with this unsolicited testimonial:

I think you should add an addition to your blog on the miracle that is the Tide pen. I was eating my Fiber One bar this morning and when I got up I realized I had 4 very lovely spots of chocolate on my freshly dry cleaned white suit. I grabbed my tide pen, took it to the spots and they are gone. Amazing! It was a close call. And now I don't have to look stupid when I staff the Secretary to a TV interview this morning :-)

Now we must remember that Janice is not a part of my generation that grew up with b & w TVs, one-speed bikes, no cell phones, and certainly no internet, digital cameras, Starbucks, etc. But Tide pens evidently are a "newfangled" invention that she would not want to live without. I personally would get rid of those before many of the aforementioned items, but hey, who am I to judge?

Have you thought lately about all we have? What things would you be willing to live without? I find it hard to think of even one!