Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Annual "I Can't Get Any Sleep Because It's So Noisy" Week!

It begins tonight. Just as the truck and trailer are leaving the driveway for the second load, there's already so much noise that I have to close the windows. Leaves falling? Nope. Stearmen fly-in? Nope. Combines beginning to roll? Nope.

It's calf weaning day!

The guys just returned from Henderson with their first load of 52 six month old calves that are being weaned from their mothers. And boy are they sad! They will be bawling all night, morning, day, and evening for the next week. Not to say that I wouldn't too, but the noise tends to make me close the windows at night. I miss hearing the birds singing, the wind whispering through the leaves, and the hoot owls at night. Truthfully, all I can hear is the cacophony of moos and cries of anguish. I may be writing blogs very late at night for the next week. Yawn!

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