Monday, October 20, 2008

No Excuses

OK, so I haven't written for a while. I have no excuse, other than I've been busy. Thirty years ago, today, I had an even better excuse, which was legitimate. I became a mom for the very first time. I have officially been a mom for over half of my life. How did that happen? How well I remember the joy that filled my heart when I held my first child, daughter Ellen, for the very first time. I thought my heart would explode with wonderment and joy. Here I was, a young person of 27, charged with the upbringing and care of this very impressionable human being. I was feeling up to the challenge.

I didn't feel so secure when, three days later, I took her home. Did I actually think I had any knowledge of what to do with this little one. She was adorable, the family just raved, I felt fine, but.......What to do? I think we went through seven outfits the very first night home.

And now, thirty years later, she herself is a very confident, assured, independent, and capable young lady. She just took off running and never quit. I miss her dearly today, and most days, and think back on those times of being so busy! I wouldn't have missed a day of her childhood for anything.

Happy 30th birthday, Ellen!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Day Was Made Better

Thank you Office Max. You made my day! Last Wednesday I was surprised by a visit from some Office Max personnel and was awarded gifts for my classroom. And I mean MANY gifts for my classroom. Within 30 minutes, our class was using many of the items: tape, digital camera, markers, scissors, dry erase markers, regular markers, paper cutter, and chalk, to name only a few, for a project that I had planned. Couldn't have happened at a better time. And not only that, I was also given a bouquet of flowers, perfect for a science lesson later on in the week. I now wouldn't have to buy flowers for the project, I could just take the bouquet apart and use that.

However, I must make a disclaimer. There is nothing that I do any differently than any other teacher who comes to school every day trying to make a difference in a child's life. I just happened to be the lucky winner. Hats off to all those who care, love, and give back every day. And to Office Max and Adopt A Classroom who sponsor this project. My students and I just LOVE you!