Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Taste of Spring! (and it was yummy)

I'm not sure if spring is officially here but for us it began tonight. On my way home from school my car thermometer said it was "60". Now that is a nice start to an evening. Tonight was one of the few nights I was able to come home right after school and relax, at least once I got all of my classwork done.

As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed meat out on the counter for supper. Steve and Dan will often plan the evening meal during their lunch hour and put the appropriate goodies out that will be the center of attention on the supper table. I was glad to see that there was a package of 2 T-bones and 1 package of filets. Looked like I would be grilling out. I couldn't wait to fire up the grill.

Of course it is only fitting that we have french fries with our steaks. And what better as an accompaniment than frozen peaches and strawberries that had been tucked away in the freezer last summer. Delicious!

Dan's roommate happened to come home as we were outside and he made mention that he was heading to his house to throw in a TV dinner for supper. I couldn't let that happen. So we were joined at our banquet by Rich, who greatly appreciated the offer and felt he was a definite winner on this one.

So, I guess spring has begun, or at least the grilling season. Even though we are supposed to have an inch of snow and freezing rain tomorrow night, we are of the firm belief that, once steaks have made an appearance, groundhog agreeing or not, spring has arrived.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Bulletin Board

It's that special time of the evening to get my bulletin board up. I must congratulate you timeless troopers who, even though you have all graduated from high school and college, forged ahead and tried to answer this simple 5th grade problem (see blog below.) I have a full fledged winner who emerged from the pack with the correct answer the very first time, although she said that someone told her to be careful because there was a minor fact she might miss (we call that cheating in our classroom but hey, who am I to judge?) So any way, Janice's name is put on the BULLETIN BOARD with a gold star next to it. Honorable mentions go to team Ellen/Chad and Nick. Way to go guys. Love that spirit!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

All Those Kids with Backpacks

Just a little something to get the creative juices flowing today. How is your stamina? Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Here is a fifth grade math problem that you can ponder and work on at your leisure. It will be kind of fun to kick up your heels and throwback to the days of yon. Let's see how smart you are.

There are seven children on a school bus riding to school. Each child has seven backpacks. Inside each backpack there are seven big cats. For each big cat, there are seven little cats. How many legs are on the bus? (As someone (namely Nick) mentioned, technically there are no legs on a bus, only wheels but how many legs are riding in the bus?)

Email me back with your answer at and I'll let you know if you get the answer correct. There could be a gold star for those of you who get it right. I'll publish your name on my blog (i.e. the bulletin board).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Death and Taxes

They say only two things are certain in life, death and taxes. I have spent the biggest portion of my evening doing one of the above and I can imagine that you have guessed it is the taxes part! You're right. Anyway, we had a gorgeous day of 68 degrees and instead of a nice evening walk or curling up with a good book, we did taxes.

Farmers have to file by March 1 so Steve is meeting with our accountant tomorrow. All papers and figures are in order (we think) ready to be picked apart, studied, and recategorized tomorrow. Paying taxes is a necessary evil, but the thing I hate about it most is the time it takes to do it.

So, in order to live through this grueling task, I bought myself a sack of Dove dark chocolates with almonds. Dove has a way of soothing what ails you and makes it all better. Add to that some cups of red raspberry tea and who could complain? Besides, maybe, just maybe, I'll get something back in the form of a refund!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Diamond in the Rough

I'm not really into a video kick, but I was working around the house today and remembered a video our minister showed us right before Thanksgiving that still brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. Reverend Parker was talking about grace, gifts from God, and the humility to use them to the best of our abilities. This video portrays all of the above in a most tremendous way.

Paul Potts! Such a name. You tend to think of a dork, someone who has nothing going for him just because of his name. A mobile phone salesman. Trying out for the TV show "Britain's Got Talent." You will not want to miss this one. He lacks confidence he says. What an inspiration to us all.

Watch and enjoy. As a matter of fact, watch it many times. And then watch it when you want to believe in the greatness and gifts that are given to each one of us. Share with many!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Love Jesus but I Drink a Little

This is a must see! If you haven't been entertained for a while, take a minute to click on this link from the Ellen DeGeneres show and be prepared to howl. I haven't been so entertained for quite a while.

I love little old ladies who have such a good outlook on life and aren't afraid to speak their minds. I hope when I'm 88 I have as much gusto as Gladys does!