Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome Back

I have a feeling no one reads my blog anymore but I really can't blame them. I haven't written since June 23 but.......I hope to do better. I actually have more time on my hands recently or I have become a better manager.

I promise I will do the following: (in case anyone cares)
1. Write at least one blog per week. Otherwise, why have a blog?
2. Ponder situations over in my mind to encourage creativity.
3. Pay more attention to everyday life to find inspiring stories or perspectives.
4. Let my family know what is going on here in the burg.
5. (everything needs at least 5 things) Urge others to keep me going.

Now, I ask for your help. Nudge me, kick me, tweek me, yell at me, threaten me, do whatever it takes to make me write. Now I'll see if anyone reads this. Give me a holler if you do. I have to know someone out there is listening. Gives me encouragement! Thanks!


Rachel said...

I am reading!!

Ellen Davis said...

I'm reading too!!! Once a week is a very good goal.

So, what's this week's post? It can't be that you promise to post more, 'cause that's cheating.

Julie Christensen said...

Keep writing! It's nice to have distractions at work:)

Unknown said...

If you write it we will read it.

Multiple Personalities said...

I'm reading too! Though I had stopped checking and noticed Ellen had posted it on your facebook. Smart, El.