Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Day Jitters

Every year about this time I get the same feeling........What will happen tomorrow?  It's the first day of another school year and as I glance at the clock, I am imagining that most of my students, hopefully, will be putting on jammies, brushing teeth, hearing a goodnight story (I wish) and jumping into bed with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.  Little do they know that their teacher feels the same way (and I would be delighted to have someone read me a goodnight story!)

As teachers, we always have wishes.  As I was pondering today about the upcoming year, my wish would be that the students are just as excited to come to school in the middle of January, or any other month this year, as they are tomorrow morning when they walk into class.  Clean slate, no prejudgements, anything can happen, dreams can be met, obstacles overcome.  I hope I instill in them an attitude that promises they won't be judged by what they can't do, only by what they attempt and how hard they try.  But I hope they give me the same leeway.

I'm excited, nervous, overwhelmed, among many other feelings.  And I've been doing this for 25 years.  I get my 27 new students for 174 days.  Oh, if I could only make a difference in one of their lives!  I know that I will learn much more from them than they will ever learn from me.

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