Sunday, September 16, 2007

One of THOSE days

Do you remember when you were little and there were those days you will just never forget? Well, today is one of those. Nothing exciting has happened, no earth shattering news. Just a glorious, the sky is blue with no clouds, kinda day. It's somewhere between cool and warm, slight breeze, the corn beginning to get a little brittle, and an expectation of things going to happen just around the corner. The smell of fall's entry is in the air. Time to shut the windows at night in expectation of chilly evenings.

But today, right now, just the perfect day. Should be inside working but I'm looking for things to do outside. These precious days need to be tucked away and savored for those bone-chilling days that will soon be upon us. I think I will look at the dishes in the sink and go outside to pick some of those last tomatoes clinging to the vine. Nothing ever tasted so good and I'd hate for them to be wasted.


Ellen Davis said...

Glad to see that you've joined the masses--I can't wait to read more of this! Enjoy the fabulous weather, too.

Multiple Personalities said... need to update your blog!

phyllis said...

Ok Margaret, now it's just a fancy e-mail!