Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

There's a song that was popular when I was growing up with the same title as this entry. It had to do with someone who was mourning the demise of their "perfect relationship" with a girlfriend, but nonetheless, that's how I feel right now. (No, my husband didn't leave me!)

Friday we started having drizzly rains here, a total of .6", and throughout the night Friday I would hear it still raining. Things didn't improve on Saturday and I watched the rain glide out the gutters at an even pace all day. By 6:00 PM we had had 4.7" of rain. Our rain gauge only holds 4" so there was an outpouring, and might I add abundance, of rain. We attended an outdoor event last evening and managed to get that in, thinking maybe the rains had abated.

As I was heading up to bed last night, again I could hear the rain hitting the window. Looking at the radar this morning, it appears another rainy day is in store. Mushrooms literally appeared in my yard overnight. We are thinking our investment in new gutters was a pretty smart move on our part.


Ellen Davis said...

Holy moly that's a LOT of rain! Hopefully it will be followed by some sun so those crops will dry out soon.

Multiple Personalities said...

Well, just checked the weather for home and it looks like you guys are set for some sunny, warmer weather. Fingers crossed. We need those crops to get harvested!