Monday, March 1, 2010

What Would You Do?

The ministers at our church are doing a Lenten series of sermons on the book, 30 Days To Live. It basically asks the question, "If you had only 30 days left in this life, what would you do and how would you spend it?"

I usually attend the early service which is a more contemporary version of the typical Sunday service. While giving the sermon, there is interaction between the minister and the congregation, some give and take, and a few laughs. I wasn't prepared for what I heard one Sunday on this subject.

After asking the congregation the above question, "What would you do if you had 30 days to live?", there were many typical answers thrown out by those of us present. "I would quit my job!" "I would spend it with those I love." " I would definitely travel." On and on as I would expect. Then a man on the left raised his hand and put us all in stitches.

"I would go to live with my mother-in-law. Then it would seem like a lifetime!"

Gotta give him credit for that one. His wife sitting next to him wasn't as amused but the rest of us sure got a good laugh at her expense. Love those early morning services!

1 comment:

Ellen Davis said...

AWESOME. I'm going to be laughing at that one for ages!