Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Three (sets of ) Sheets to the Wind

I really know that summer is here when I begin to hang sheets out on the line. This past week has been a perfect opportunity for that for two reasons: 1. The weather has been gorgeous. 2. I have some very special guests coming for the weekend and I knew they would love to have sheets that had been "hung out." And, I needed three sets of sheets. Perfect weather!

As I was hanging them out I received a text message from one of my daughters telling me she was splurging and going out to lunch with her sister. I was immediately jealous but enjoyed the message nonetheless.

It got me to thinking. Our farmhouse was built in 1850. Even before the Civil War! I was hanging laundry up on a clothesline between two trees that I was certain must have been planted by the women who lived there so they could hang clothes out. And as my mind began to wander even further, I had to laugh at how far things have come since those first ladies hung clothes out on the line. Bringing it closer to home, I've lived here for 32 years and can't believe the changes.

Can you imagine my 1850's women and what they would be thinking of me receiving a text message while I was hanging out my laundry, which, of course, I did NOT have to do by hand? Throw it in, add soap (purchased at the store) and continue doing other things. So many years later and we can talk with our daughters across the country at a moment's notice. If there are any ghosts living in this house they must roll their eyes at me and wonder what in the world I am doing most of the time. (It wouldn't bother me if they had supper ready once in a while when I got home either, in case they get into my computer during the day and read this post!)

Three sets of sheets to the wind. It's been done here on this farm for over 160 years.

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