Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How Cold Was It? It was so cold......

I nearly froze to death. Minus 27 here on Thurs. night, a new record low. Who comes up with those numbers? I always did have a challenge when it came to math and negative numbers, but I understand these numbers real well. They are extremely "negative."

My students were asking me at what point it is too cold. I hated to tell them we were there but I explained to them that at minus 40, a person could spit and it would be frozen before it hit the ground (I would already be frozen and wouldn't even have the chance to spit!) Then I was telling them about Barrow, Alaska, way up north, where the daily HIGH temperature since the beginning of winter was, hold your breath, minus 31. The average HIGH! And I think I have it bad. They passed an unwritten "law" of sorts in Alaska this winter that said students could go outside to play during recess at school if the temperature was above minus 20. I guess they got tired of staying in. Looks like they got to go outside for recess today!

You know, when you think you have it bad, there is always someone worse off than you. Case closed!

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