Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've Been For A Walk On A Winter's Day

The Mamas and Papas used this phrase in one of their more popular songs, California Dreaming. For those of you who have never heard of the Mamas and Papas, they were a very popular, folksy kinda group very famous during the 70's.

Football playoffs were on TV and I wasn't interested. I didn't feel much like sitting and had little to do in the house. Going shopping meant I would spend money so I was looking for alternatives.

As I looked outside, I noticed that it had just begun snowing and there was no wind whatsoever, temperature 27, very warm considering what we had been through last week, and so a walk seemed in order to clear out the cobwebs. After donning mittens, a goose down coat, scarf, and my Uggs, I was set to conquer Old Man Winter.

It was glorious. I was alone in the world with snow softly swirling around me. There is a calmness and peacefulness that comes with a walk like this. Sounds are exacerbated, small motions by animals scurrying through the snow are easily evident, and one can get lost in their own thoughts. Before I knew it, I was one mile away from home and not in the least bit cold. Other than the evening beginning to settle, I had no reason to begin the trek home but alas, daylight leaves quickly this time of the year.

I drug my feet in the snowdrifts, tried to see if I could stay atop the deeper ones, sometimes falling in but high boots prevented me from being distraught about that. I looked at tracks in the snow and imagined the animals who had also made this journey, wondering what their intent might have been. Our dog accompanied me part of the way but got tired of my meandering and went about his own pace. I decided as long as I could see the lights of the farm I would make it home safely.

All good things must come to an end but the calmness and tranquility will stay with me for quite a while. God and I worked out a lot of things during this walk. I had no set agenda to talk to Him about, but we visited nonetheless. What a special gift to be given a day like this. It's ours for the taking and free. If that isn't a gift, I don't know what is!


Multiple Personalities said...

That sounds awesome. Believe it or not, I really miss the snow. Especially out in the country where it stays so white.

Ellen Davis said...

You definitely should keep up this blogging thing. I love it! Makes me feel like I was there (and makes me jealous!).

sue said...

Margaret, You have got to send this in to Midwest Living Magazine and have them post it. Maybe Country Living would print this. I think you should have been a writer.