Saturday, April 4, 2009

An Uncluttered Calendar

Today is the first day of my 10 day hiatus from work, it's 9:15 AM and I am sitting here in my robe sipping on a cup of coffee. The joys of down time! I have no real agendas to tackle for the next few days, just things I must put on my calendar because I have been putting them off too long.

I have some leaking pipes in the basement. Every time we want to do a load of clothes I have to go down there and turn on the faucets for those pipes. Maybe it's time to get them fixed. And my oven hasn't been working right for about a year now, time to get that done! The house could use a thorough spring de-cluttering.................not sure about that one. I think I will take my mom on a surprise outing (put it on your calendar mom, if you're reading this). And then I have a lovely day of shopping planned with my friends

None of these are earth shattering have to get dones (except lunch with mom), so any phone call that promises me an adventure will fly right to the top of my list.

I just fixed my heart rate monitor so I should probably pursue my walking habit that I have missed. There are some books calling my name which should not be neglected, and of course the NCAA tournament will entertain this weekend. During that I have a baby afghan I'm working on.

Bored? It's not in my vocabulary!

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