Sunday, August 24, 2008

Walk With Me

We're going on a walk down memory lane. Please join in.

It's the night before the first day of school. Can you sleep? Are you excited? Is your new backpack ready? How about the supply box? And what does your new outfit look like? Is it pressed and ready to don? Don't the crayons smell good? They never quite smell the same again.

Well, I'm there tonight, but I'm the teacher. We feel the same way too. Bet most of you didn't know that. What will my class be like? Will they respond to my many hours of preparation with enthusiasm or yawning? Can I get them "on my team?" Will I be able to alleviate the concerns of the new kids? There's a lot goes on behind the scenes.

I have treat bags for all 25 new students. They are filled with the following along with this message:
An eraser because mistakes are an opportunity for learning.
Smarties because there are different kinds of smart.
A new pencil because I know you are sharp!
A stick of chewing gum because we stick together as a class.
A Hershey kiss because we have a safe and caring classroom.
A piece of candy because we are sweet and respectful towards each other.

Dan assured me they wouldn't think it was too hokey. Hope I make a good impression that first day. Wonder what my grade will be? : )

1 comment:

Multiple Personalities said...

Mom, none of my teachers were ever that cool. And we were NEVER given gum. I would say that I'm jealous but why would I be? I can just walk down to the gift shop and buy my own any time I want :)