Monday, October 20, 2008

No Excuses

OK, so I haven't written for a while. I have no excuse, other than I've been busy. Thirty years ago, today, I had an even better excuse, which was legitimate. I became a mom for the very first time. I have officially been a mom for over half of my life. How did that happen? How well I remember the joy that filled my heart when I held my first child, daughter Ellen, for the very first time. I thought my heart would explode with wonderment and joy. Here I was, a young person of 27, charged with the upbringing and care of this very impressionable human being. I was feeling up to the challenge.

I didn't feel so secure when, three days later, I took her home. Did I actually think I had any knowledge of what to do with this little one. She was adorable, the family just raved, I felt fine, but.......What to do? I think we went through seven outfits the very first night home.

And now, thirty years later, she herself is a very confident, assured, independent, and capable young lady. She just took off running and never quit. I miss her dearly today, and most days, and think back on those times of being so busy! I wouldn't have missed a day of her childhood for anything.

Happy 30th birthday, Ellen!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Day Was Made Better

Thank you Office Max. You made my day! Last Wednesday I was surprised by a visit from some Office Max personnel and was awarded gifts for my classroom. And I mean MANY gifts for my classroom. Within 30 minutes, our class was using many of the items: tape, digital camera, markers, scissors, dry erase markers, regular markers, paper cutter, and chalk, to name only a few, for a project that I had planned. Couldn't have happened at a better time. And not only that, I was also given a bouquet of flowers, perfect for a science lesson later on in the week. I now wouldn't have to buy flowers for the project, I could just take the bouquet apart and use that.

However, I must make a disclaimer. There is nothing that I do any differently than any other teacher who comes to school every day trying to make a difference in a child's life. I just happened to be the lucky winner. Hats off to all those who care, love, and give back every day. And to Office Max and Adopt A Classroom who sponsor this project. My students and I just LOVE you!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall Has Begun

Today it is official! Not according to the calendar, that would be too easy, but for a farmer, fall is finally here. Farmers are a different breed altogether and basically have their own timetable of the seasons and today it just happens to coincide with the actual first day of fall.

Fall begins for a farmer on the first day of harvest. Today was the day. My guys began harvesting a field of beans just east of our house and are still at it (farmers don't quit early during this time either.) The beans are yielding very well and they have dried down to a very acceptable level, much to our amazement. After the 10 inches of rain last week we weren't sure that would ever happen.

But the big green machine has been filling wagons for most of the day. The guys have smiles on their faces and they go about their day feeling satisfied and purposeful. It must be a wonderful feeling to literally reap the harvest of their hard work. Would that we should all be so satisfied with our occupations!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Book Club Evening

Last night was book club. Four friends who have gotten together to "discuss" books for over 4 years now. What a wonderful evening we always have. We watched our 4 daughters grow up together, go to church together, and graduate from high school and college together. To tell the truth, much of our book club discussion centers more on our children's lives than the lives of those in our books. But what a good excuse to get together.

It seems like we are able to solve most of the world's problems if anyone would just ever ask us. We have the perfect solution to the type of discipline today's children need. We've been there, done that. And we can move a child out of school, across country, have them settled, and be on our merry way within a week's time. We are very efficient.

Four very good friends who have cried together, laughed and celebrated together, danced and sang together. Always there for each other in good times and bad. Reading a good book is just an undercover reason to share more memorable times!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Eventually It Will Happen

Another grey, dreary day. The sun tried to peek through the clouds this morning but got tired of fighting and decided to sleep in a while longer. By the time I left school, once again the rain was pouring down. How long will this last?

But then this evening I am feeling better about tomorrow. The sunset showed an evident passing of the clouds, although far in the west, and the setting sun trying to hold its own. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Total rain, over 5.5" and a total for the month of September so far: 10.6". That's what you call a wet month!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

There's a song that was popular when I was growing up with the same title as this entry. It had to do with someone who was mourning the demise of their "perfect relationship" with a girlfriend, but nonetheless, that's how I feel right now. (No, my husband didn't leave me!)

Friday we started having drizzly rains here, a total of .6", and throughout the night Friday I would hear it still raining. Things didn't improve on Saturday and I watched the rain glide out the gutters at an even pace all day. By 6:00 PM we had had 4.7" of rain. Our rain gauge only holds 4" so there was an outpouring, and might I add abundance, of rain. We attended an outdoor event last evening and managed to get that in, thinking maybe the rains had abated.

As I was heading up to bed last night, again I could hear the rain hitting the window. Looking at the radar this morning, it appears another rainy day is in store. Mushrooms literally appeared in my yard overnight. We are thinking our investment in new gutters was a pretty smart move on our part.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Annual "I Can't Get Any Sleep Because It's So Noisy" Week!

It begins tonight. Just as the truck and trailer are leaving the driveway for the second load, there's already so much noise that I have to close the windows. Leaves falling? Nope. Stearmen fly-in? Nope. Combines beginning to roll? Nope.

It's calf weaning day!

The guys just returned from Henderson with their first load of 52 six month old calves that are being weaned from their mothers. And boy are they sad! They will be bawling all night, morning, day, and evening for the next week. Not to say that I wouldn't too, but the noise tends to make me close the windows at night. I miss hearing the birds singing, the wind whispering through the leaves, and the hoot owls at night. Truthfully, all I can hear is the cacophony of moos and cries of anguish. I may be writing blogs very late at night for the next week. Yawn!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Teacher's Dream

I happened to be down at the office today when the phone rang. Our secretary picked it up, I got ready to leave, and she motioned me back to her desk. She said there was a young man on the phone, Zach K., who was an ex student of mine. He was wondering if he could stop by school and see me some time as he happened to be visiting from out of town.

My face lit up. Zach K. How well I remembered him. I said that 1:30 would be just fine and looked forward to the time when we could visit. I tried to recall how many years ago he had been in my room, tried to imagine what he might look like now, and memories of him as an 8 year old in my room kept me busy all morning.

About 1:30, a tall, distinguished, handsome young man appeared at my classroom door. There was Zach! I never would have recognized him. I introduced him to the class, took them to the Learning Center, and Zach and I sat down for a very long overdue conversation. Zach had moved out of town and I had lost track of him. He filled me in. Much to my surprise he is 18. I had him 10 years ago!

He moved from here to Kewanee, Champaign, and then South Carolina. His life was not always easy but he has done great things with it. He is currently a freshman in college and wants to be a teacher!!!! He thought about elementary but finds his interest in drama and public speaking, so will pursue that dream. We took out pictures of the students in his class in 1998 and we recalled some of the good times that year. He asked about many of the students and I was able to fill him in.

Much too quickly it was time for him to go. I hated to see it end. My little friend Zach, grown up, with wonderful goals, a pleasant personality, and a keen insight into life. I felt honored that he had come to visit. As a matter of fact, he is going to college HERE and offered to come into the classroom and help whenever I needed. Turn around is fair play. I look forward to his upcoming visits!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lost and Found: Childhood Treasures

Have you ever lost something and wondered what in the world could have happened to it? Well, that mystery was solved, not so much for me this week, as for my children, although they don't know it yet.

While working on the foundation this week, it was necessary to remove some rather large concrete steps from the east side of our house. They were under a door that our children must have slammed at least 100 times every day during nice weather, and some not so nice, but they went out nonetheless. My! What treasures awaited my eyes when the steps were fully removed.

My son was enthralled to find the little earth mover that he had lost more than 20 years ago. And the blue frisbee! He said none had flown better. There was a yellow drumstick lying there (I must admit that might have been me who threw it under those steps ONCE AND FOR ALL). A small Tupperware container had taken up residence which had been home to someone's Cheerios or treasured grapes and.....well they just fell. There were sand shovels, a thong (like you wear on your feet, those others hadn't been "invented" yet), a golf ball sized bouncy ball, plastic bottles, a barrette, and many more treasures too numerous to name.

All of those items made me smile and remember those days of doors slamming and children laughing and running outside. I'd take them back most days!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Walk With Me

We're going on a walk down memory lane. Please join in.

It's the night before the first day of school. Can you sleep? Are you excited? Is your new backpack ready? How about the supply box? And what does your new outfit look like? Is it pressed and ready to don? Don't the crayons smell good? They never quite smell the same again.

Well, I'm there tonight, but I'm the teacher. We feel the same way too. Bet most of you didn't know that. What will my class be like? Will they respond to my many hours of preparation with enthusiasm or yawning? Can I get them "on my team?" Will I be able to alleviate the concerns of the new kids? There's a lot goes on behind the scenes.

I have treat bags for all 25 new students. They are filled with the following along with this message:
An eraser because mistakes are an opportunity for learning.
Smarties because there are different kinds of smart.
A new pencil because I know you are sharp!
A stick of chewing gum because we stick together as a class.
A Hershey kiss because we have a safe and caring classroom.
A piece of candy because we are sweet and respectful towards each other.

Dan assured me they wouldn't think it was too hokey. Hope I make a good impression that first day. Wonder what my grade will be? : )

Friday, August 22, 2008


OK, I need another 3 months off.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summer's Over

Now I know that there is not a soul out there who will feel sorry for me but........after having off the months of June, July, and so far all of August, tomorrow I go back to work! Vacation is over. No more sleeping in, like I ever did, staying up late to finish a book, leisurely going about my many tasks, or being able to put things off for one more day. Vacation is over!

I went over to school today for the entire morning but the pressure isn't the same as it would be if the students came tomorrow. We just have meetings and get things organized with the school tomorrow and then we meet our new students on Mon. Did I mention that vacation is over?

I don't really mind going back to work but sometimes going back to work is more of a vacation than being at home. I have accomplished a great deal this summer. My list:

Completed painting Dan's house
Got gutters ordered for both houses
Roofed our house (with help of course)
Got a new garage door
Had new furnaces installed
Fixed the chimney
We're ready to get the foundation fixed
Got new windows
Had a wonderful week with family
Mowed the lawn more than I can count
Drove the baler for the guys (more than I can count)
Froze a lot of vegetables and fruits for the winter
Went on some fun field trips with teacher friends
Read many great books

And the list could go on and on. I know that I am blessed to have had so many days off of work. But from the list above it seems like I used most of those days wisely. I will soon feel overwhelmed wondering why I didn't get more done but hey....there's always next summer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cutting Edge Customer Service

I have a pair of Fiskar scissors that I use all the time. Unfortunately, I have used them so much that a tiny spring that separates them as you cut broke and the scissors were difficult to use. Rather than spend $35 for a new pair, I went to the store I purchased them at about 5 years ago to see if they sold springs. I was told that I would probably have to buy a whole new pair.

Well, I didn't want to consider that until I had exhausted all of my options. I went to Fiskar's website, found customer service, and wrote them an email explaining my problem. People usually take pity on teachers and try to help whenever possible.

The next day I got an email from Janean Andrus, customer service at Fiskars, with the following message:

Dear Margaret:

Thank you for your interest in Fiskars! We are in receipt of your recent e-mail to our company regarding the spring on your Softouch Scissors.

We would be delighted to send you some extra springs (no charge). Please e-mail us your full name and address, along with a description of your scissors (overall length). Also note if your scissors have grey smooth handles, or grey knobby textured handles. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We are looking forward to your reply.

Kindest regards,

Janean S. Andrus

Fiskars Brands, Inc.

I wish that every company I dealt with appreciated me as much as this fine woman at Fiskars. They made a good choice when they hired her. Makes me want to go out and buy another pair!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Fresh Fruits of Summer

I was getting meat out of the freezer for supper tonight and couldn't help but smile when I saw all of the delicious fruits awaiting me this coming winter. Already I am looking forward to the fresh taste of the fruit as the bitter wind whips around out here in the country.

First, there are at least 12 pints of frozen blueberries. They will be delicious in muffins, pancakes, and just grabbed whole out of the freezer for a snack. They're even good for you! What a treat.

Then the strawberries. What's not to love about strawberries? I know that I have over 10 pounds of them in there, all sliced and ready to be added to other fruits or eaten on ice cream, in smoothies, or as shortcake. Such good stuff.

I have 9 quarts of frozen red raspberries. I can just imagine the raspberry muffins baking in the oven or a fresh raspberry pie just warm enough to melt the vanilla ice cream on top. Of course they are good on oatmeal or in muffins also. One of my favorite fruits.

And last but not least, a bushel of peaches frozen in various size packages. Some of the packages are bigger and have snowmen, Christmas trees, and PR and RR on them, which makes them those that are being saved for Christmas meals as this is one of the things my kids look forward to most of all. Slightly slushy, mixed with strawberries, and a medium rare fillet on the side. Yum. Then there are 20 packages waiting for us to enjoy the rest of the winter in other foods. Just brings back those golden days of the summer.

Doesn't take much to make me happy. No wonder people like eating at my house!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I have decided that I need to get better about writing on this blog. There are so many people dependent on me for their link to the outside world that I have come to the conclusion that I am leaving them high and dry the best interest of humankind, I am going to actually try and write most nights on this blog.

Not that Steve and I do that much that is exciting but we certainly do keep busy! When I think about what I have accomplished just today it makes my head swim and there might be people who actually care about what that was. I will not disclose those items at this time as I want to entice my viewers to come back and see what those things actually are.

Right now my guys are moving bulls and we haven't eaten yet. I have delicious hot roast beef sandwiches for supper and we'll indulge once they get home. I am getting ready for another evening of Olympic wonderment and trying to figure out a new online gradebook program that our school is going to. Think they'll supply us with notebooks since we are going to almost all computer? Could be a bargaining issue.

Anyway, enough for right now. Come back tomorrow and see what is up. You just might be amazed!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Sweet Smell of Summer

If you have ever lived in the Midwest, or any farming community for that matter, you know exactly what I am talking about and pretty much guess the theme of my post. Think you know? Did you guess newly baled hay?

The guys have been busy getting in their first cutting of hay, unusual due to the massive amounts of rain that we have had. We ate supper last night at 9:00 and it appears that I am on "hay duty" late this morning. Not the worst job in the world.

But I digress. Last night when I heard the tractors pull in the driveway followed by two very large racks of hay, I ventured outside to find out how soon we would eat so I could put the finishing touches on supper. I was met with a smell that overloaded my senses. The air was permeated with the freshest smell you can imagine. Bouquets of roses don't even compare. I just stood and inhaled for about 30 seconds, relishing the smells of summer on a farm.

Our cattle were peering over the fence as they also had gotten a whiff of their favorite delicacy. They must have thought it was Christmas Eve and today they will get to enjoy the visions of sugarplums that must have danced in their heads all night.

Lots of hard work. Dan said that if he baled 10 racks of hay every day, he would probably be so strong and big. No doubt. As for me, I am content to just drive the baler and listen to my iPod.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How did I live without....?

Ever wonder how you lived without certain items? I got the following email today from my daughter Janice with this unsolicited testimonial:

I think you should add an addition to your blog on the miracle that is the Tide pen. I was eating my Fiber One bar this morning and when I got up I realized I had 4 very lovely spots of chocolate on my freshly dry cleaned white suit. I grabbed my tide pen, took it to the spots and they are gone. Amazing! It was a close call. And now I don't have to look stupid when I staff the Secretary to a TV interview this morning :-)

Now we must remember that Janice is not a part of my generation that grew up with b & w TVs, one-speed bikes, no cell phones, and certainly no internet, digital cameras, Starbucks, etc. But Tide pens evidently are a "newfangled" invention that she would not want to live without. I personally would get rid of those before many of the aforementioned items, but hey, who am I to judge?

Have you thought lately about all we have? What things would you be willing to live without? I find it hard to think of even one!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


“One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly.

So I asked, ‘Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!’ This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, ‘The Law of the Garbage Truck.’ He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on you. Don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don’t take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so ‘Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don’t.””

Saturday, May 3, 2008

She needs to be in MY classroom

Oh my Lord! This country music star is lucky she has a voice because that's all she has going for her. Geography is not one of her strong suits. Watch this YouTube video of "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" and laugh, but as a teacher I want to cry. Are there really people out there like that? She thinks Europe is a country!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

You never have to worry

This week the microwave died. Just died. I had popped a bag of popcorn for the two of us and we decided we needed another. Steve went out to pop us another and the microwave blew up. Just died!

Knowing that we couldn't live without a microwave longer than 24 hours, I searched the web during my work period at school to find a brand that would last me for a while. Nothing fancy, just a workhorse kinda machine. I couldn't make up my mind but decided to head to Lowe's as they had a good selection.

It was a cold, rainy, almost sleety kind of night, one where I just wanted to buy a microwave and go home and heat up a can of chicken noodle soup. Ventured out to Lowe's and found the perfect machine. Not too expensive, fancy, big, etc., just a good all around machine. Paid, had it put in my car, and drove home.

Steve happened to be in the driveway so he kindly carried it in, we unboxed it, and I plugged it in. Now the story begins! The door was shut but the light stayed on. As I peered at the electronic wonder, I noticed that the side panel was cockeyed and hence the door wasn't shutting properly, thus the light was staying on. All I wanted to do was heat a can of soup and and relax. By now it's 6:15 and my idea of a relaxing night was going up in smoke.

Called Lowe's and mentioned my defective small appliance and asked if they would be so kind as to toss another one in a truck and deliver it to me that evening as the night was just getting nastier as was I. Of course there was no one available to do that, but they would be glad to have another at the front desk if I wanted to bring it back and exchange it. How could I be so lucky?

After spending ten minutes reboxing, carrying, and trudging through the torrential downpour (I'm sure it really wasn't, it just felt that way), I got back in the car to return my purchase. I decided with gas as expensive as it is, it cost me about $2 for the return plus my time but I was going to be a pleasant customer and let it go at that.

Once I got out there I had to return my microwave, get a credit on my card, then purchase another one. Why does it have to be so difficult? I requested that the salesman remove the "new" one from the box so I could personally inspect the product. Seemed to be just fine, paid, loaded, and headed home.

I am happy to say that this one worked just fine. But I want to reassure anyone who ever buys something in a box or is packaged that they can't see that I ALWAYS get the merchandise with something defective. Rest assured that if you ever pick something off the shelf, your's will be just fine as I have purchased the only bad one in the lot. It never fails. This may not be true, but I like to believe that there aren't as many defective items floating around as there probably are. Isn't it nice to know that you do not have to worry about it. Yup, it's in my car, in the trunk, cold, rainy night, soon to be installed, uninstalled, returned, and exchanged. All that for chicken noodle soup and nice relaxing evening.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

From the heart

Note left on my desk this week:


i hope you like this note from: Emma

You are the best teacher in the world
i lerend alot from you i now my math and stuff my favorite part is the chace drawing because you win stuff like anmils like that stuff !!

Now evidently I have taught this girl a great deal! You wouldn't believe it from her spelling and punctuation. When I initially got this I was kind of sad thinking, "Oh my gosh, look at all the mistakes!" After that first shock, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe teaching isn't just about book learning. Maybe, just maybe, I have made a difference, even if a small one, in Emma's life. She hugs me every morning when she gets to school, standing over by my desk until I get there for her hug, and gives me another as she leaves at night.

Anytime anyone ever asks me what I make as a teacher I have a very simple answer:


PS: Follow up from gel pens blog - Alyssa picked a gel pen last week when her name was drawn for the chance drawing. Imagine that!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The mom (and dad) song

Parenting! Such a joy. Found this website that will have you howling. Turn up the sound, sit back, and recollect on those days it seemed your mom (and sometimes your dad) would never stop nagging at you. Who would have thought she could have done it in less than three minutes?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Gel pens and other "cool" stuff

I have to explain something that I do in my class the last day of every week. All week long students are "awarded" during the day with my chance cards. These are little slips of paper I give out when students do something fabulous, which in the world of a third grade teacher can be simply tying your shoes without making a spectacle, or giving an awesome answer, volunteering for a job, etc. Chance cards are put in a can and I draw out 5 names for big prizes and 5 names for pencils each week. We incorporate a lot of probability in this also as math is an important part of my life.

Well, last week I was at Target and they had tons of trinkets for 75% off and when an item is only $1 to begin with, (more math here, that's now down to 25 cents), I bought more than my share of items. Really, really cool stuff.

Today we had our Chance Drawing from the last week before break as things got crazy that last day. The can of papers was filled to the brim, all the students sitting there expectantly. I look at those faces and wish we could all be enamored by the little things in life like that.

After previewing for the students my latest finds, they were sitting on the edge of their chairs. Rabbit slinkys, packets of really cool pencils, gumball machines, toy cars, and many sets of 8 brightly colored gel pens.

One of the winners, Charmel, chose the brightly colored gel pens. Who wouldn't? Needless to say she could hardly wait to get them open. I suggested that since it was raining outside and we would be staying in for lunch recess she try them out and make sure they worked. You never know about those cheapo pens.

When I returned from lunch, there on my desk, was the most adorable letter from charmel and alyssa (not a misspelling on my part, they forgot to capitalize their names). Each line was written in a different color and quite artistic. They couldn't say enough about their wonderful year and how much they love the new pens. It looks like alyssa might be picking those if she wins next week.

Remember third grade? Wasn't life simple? Your day could be made with a packet of 8 gel pens!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A whole week off

It has now officially been one week that I have had off for spring break. Such a long list of things to do. Rather than dwell on the "to do" list, I would like you to know what I have accomplished that has been FUN! Isn't that what breaks are for?

I have:
*Had lunch with a new friend of about 3 months. Had a delightful time.
*Went shopping with my 3 friends. We all have March birthdays and have gone shopping to celebrate for 23 years.
*Read a wonderful book, "People of the Book", an absolute must read.
*Knit 9 out of 20 squares of a child's afghan for a friend of mine.
*Fixed some awesome meals.
*Looked into getting a new foundation, windows, and heating system for the house.
*Became adept at using my new GPS navigator.
*Made homemade bread for the first time in many years.
*Washed some laundry (yes, I love doing laundry and consider it fun.)
*Had many cups of coffee in my robe while reading the paper.
*Been watching the NCAA tournaments.
*Celebrated Easter!
*Saw some brand new baby calves and are they ever cute.


Oh, and I cleaned out a cabinet : )