Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Emerald City

I got up this morning at 5:37 to the sounds of trucks pulling in and out of the driveway. This is life on the farm in the middle of summer when it is going to be a HOT day. Heat indices today are to be 106 degrees. Whew.

The guys have livestock moving to accomplish today and you have to start pretty early when it will be so nasty out. They've already left with their first truckload and it's only 6:28 AM. Of course they feel behind as sunrise today was 5:06 and they weren't outside.

Normally if it was so hot at this time of the year we would be concerned about moisture and corn starting to curl. I can honestly say that things around here could not be greener! We have had so much rain and feel neglected if we don't get at least 1/2" a day. Who needs a sauna when you can live here this summer.

Mowing grass has become a full time job. Weeds of course are flourishing. Bugs, especially those nasty earwigs, are running rampant. But the colors overtake my senses. It is truly lush and we are blessed. Capturing the growth of the crops is a seemingly endless job as they appear to mature right in front of my eyes.

But I must go as there is work to be done. I'm certainly not going to bake today, that is for sure. Cold lunches and suppers are in order for the remainder of the week. I'm sure it will rain again soon and put us out of our misery. In the meantime, stay dry and come enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer here "down on the farm."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Making a Difference

Yesterday we went to a wedding for a very dear friend. He actually is more like a son to us and means the world to our family. Brad has a long history with us and it just keeps getting better.

At the age of 15, he came to work at our farm and was a little wet behind the ears. Dan thought he was a pretty cool guy and was glad to have another male in the mix. Brad was a quick learner and hard, diligent worker. But he had difficulty making good choices sometimes.

Brad continued working for us through high school. He shared many meals at our table, enjoyed our family banter, and became one of the kids. I will never forget the time I sat him down at the kitchen table and tore into him for something he had done at school that I had found out about. He was trembling when I finished but I got my point across.

Brad was always "on call" when it came to farm work. When Steve was in the hospital for 11 days a number of years ago, it was Brad who came and helped Dan keep things going. During extended vacations, Brad was the reason we didn't worry much about what was going on. And if we got behind in field work, we could give him a call and he always showed up.

Over the years we have watched him become a very honest, hard working, dedicated individual, one we are very honored to know. He has done us proud. And yesterday he married a woman who appreciates him for who he is and what he does. We wish them the very best.

With tears in his eyes last night as we were ready to leave, he conveyed to us how much we have meant to him over the years in terms of stability, steerage and love. With tears in our eyes we expressed the same sentiments. Together, we have all done a worthwhile job and have made a difference in each other's lives. We love you Brad and Jamie!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blessed Four Times Over (and then some)

All of our children were home this weekend, some for longer, to celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary of my in-laws. Such a milestone! Sixty years is worth a lot of celebrating. We had a wonderful dinner with 14 on Friday night and played a Jeopardy type game that Rachel made up based on June 5, 1949, their wedding date. What special memories we created.

The time flies too quickly. We play, visit, and eat very well. There's always something going on that no one wants to miss. Too much to do and so little time. We have a wedding to plan for for next year and I know that will involve more trips home (lucky us.)

Now everyone is safely home, back with their significant others. They weren't all able to make the trip but I know that their hearts were with us. Steve and I are so blessed, many times over. Our four children have brought more wonderful people into our lives than we could have possibly hoped for. I don't know what kind of luck we had in them turning out so well and finding such thoughtful and loving spouses/fiancees but we were and we appreciate it more than ever.

So here's to family, memories, and friendships, good food, fun, and cards. We love you all. Thanks for your caring and love.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I'm having writer's block. Most things I do all day could become their own blog, but I can't seem to take it apart enough to write about it. So my blogs have been sparse (or absent, depending upon your perspective!). I have stayed very busy and sometimes I think that is why I stumble. Too much going on up there.

I know that today at some point I must go over to school and do lesson plans for next week, as I was gone Thursday and Friday to a conference. My hesitation for going over might be what I will find. I have a challenging class this year, and they make some decisions that are not always in their best interest. But I love them dearly. I continue to guide them in the right direction.

I have to mow the lawn but we have been having a bit of drizzle and the lawn mower tire needs air, something I haven't mastered with the big mean air compressor thing. It growls at me just when I walk by!

And then there are bills to pay and organize. I have been neglecting those.

So I sit here making my list instead of getting things done. I just don't want to run out of things to do or I might just have to sit around and get bored (ya think?).

Another cup of coffee sounds good!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dog Days

My book club is reading an excellent novel, The Art of Racing in the Rain, and it has led me to ponder quite a few things about dogs, of all things. You see, this book is told through the eyes of a man's dog, with all of the thoughts and opinions that any dog might have with what he sees from his master on a daily basis.

I begin to ask myself if dogs really do wonder what's up with us. Do they understand us possibly better than we understand ourselves, and yet can't give us the advice that maybe they would like to? As the dog in the book laments, "If I just didn't have a flat tongue and could make the sounds that I would like to, I could tell Denny (his owner) my thoughts and help him out a great deal."

I sometimes have my students write an essay from the point of view of a fish swimming in an aquarium. I always get interesting feedback on that one. But dogs seem so much more human. You hear so many stories about dogs saving people's lives, predicting epileptic seizures, and of course helping the blind. Studies have been done about the calming presence dogs have on the lives of those in the hospital or nursing homes. What is it they possess?

While reading through this book, I recall many instances when our favorite dog, Nick, was as much a part of the family as any pet could be. What he must have thought of us, six crazy people in one family, chasing him around the yard, loving, feeding, and caring for him! I miss him. I wonder what kind of book he would write.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

An Uncluttered Calendar

Today is the first day of my 10 day hiatus from work, it's 9:15 AM and I am sitting here in my robe sipping on a cup of coffee. The joys of down time! I have no real agendas to tackle for the next few days, just things I must put on my calendar because I have been putting them off too long.

I have some leaking pipes in the basement. Every time we want to do a load of clothes I have to go down there and turn on the faucets for those pipes. Maybe it's time to get them fixed. And my oven hasn't been working right for about a year now, time to get that done! The house could use a thorough spring de-cluttering.................not sure about that one. I think I will take my mom on a surprise outing (put it on your calendar mom, if you're reading this). And then I have a lovely day of shopping planned with my friends

None of these are earth shattering have to get dones (except lunch with mom), so any phone call that promises me an adventure will fly right to the top of my list.

I just fixed my heart rate monitor so I should probably pursue my walking habit that I have missed. There are some books calling my name which should not be neglected, and of course the NCAA tournament will entertain this weekend. During that I have a baby afghan I'm working on.

Bored? It's not in my vocabulary!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

I have always wanted to live on a lake, ocean, or near a meandering stream. I have finally gotten my wish! No, the stimulus package has not landed on my doorstep with more money than I can spend. The simple answer is: We have received 4 inches of rain in the past 18 hours.

I woke up last night at 1:10 AM and couldn't believe the noise that was outside. It sounded like a freight train was coming through our driveway. I had always heard that tornadoes sound this way right before they strike. I noticed no branches were swaying so decided a tornado was on our doorstep. After waking Steve up, we hurriedly went downstairs and tried to assess what we were going to do. I had cell phone in hand, all of my expensive belongings I own (that would be my wedding and engagement ring), and a flashlight. We turned on the radio, no warnings, and ascertained that the loud noise was the rain BEATING against our house and barns. Who knew rain could make so much noise.

This morning, the rain continued as it has most of the afternoon. Our house has a beautiful lake across the road, as well as my meandering stream running through the front yard. I hear ripples as we speak and water fowl have begun making their home on the various water landforms around our perimeter.

Alas, this will eventually drift away, but I will be left with the memories of a dream fulfilled, no cost to me whatsoever. Who ever said I was hard to please?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tea For One

I have become a tea aficionado. While on a recent trip to the Chicago area, I was introduced to a tea shop called TeaGschwendner. I am hooked. Some people become wine connoisseurs, but I think I am destined to be a tea lover.

While at the tea shop, I bought two different kinds of tea, an Indian Chai and Marzipan. Now, both of them are a delicious treat to come home to after school and sooth both my mind and soul. Brewing a cup of either one brings me back to center and allows me to be productive for most of the remainder of the day.

I was intrigued by many of the tea flavors that were available. I guess I didn't realize that I led such a sheltered life. Chocolate Chili Tea (you're kidding, right?), T-bear Gummi Bear (tastes like the real thing), Strawberry Pepper (really?), Sensual Affair (!), and, for those special nights, Mr. Ollivander's Magic Potion (conjures up all KINDS of images!). You should read the descriptions of some of these.

I have spent the evening polishing up my copper tea pot (since I have nothing else to do) and am enjoying a cup of Marzipan as we speak. Soon the teakettle will be whistling as much as the trains around here. Stop by and share a cup with me some time (as long as it's not the Sensual Affair!).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's All In What You Hear

As most teachers do, I give a weekly spelling test to my students. After the 20 words, I always give 2 dictation sentences which I grade on punctuation and I always incorporate some of my spelling words in them.

This week, one of my dictation sentences was as follows: Do you enjoy making a large amount of noise just to annoy me? I told them they could answer that question if they desired and I got some funny remarks.

However, the most interesting sentence was submitted by Tenaya. Her version of the sentence above went like this: Do you and Joy like making a large amount of noise just to annoy me? Now, she was close, but I had to chuckle when I read about Joy. It took all I had to keep from counting it wrong. Just a little misunderstanding or an attempt to make up another word because she didn't know how to spell enjoy? It's hard to make the call.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Taste of Spring! (and it was yummy)

I'm not sure if spring is officially here but for us it began tonight. On my way home from school my car thermometer said it was "60". Now that is a nice start to an evening. Tonight was one of the few nights I was able to come home right after school and relax, at least once I got all of my classwork done.

As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed meat out on the counter for supper. Steve and Dan will often plan the evening meal during their lunch hour and put the appropriate goodies out that will be the center of attention on the supper table. I was glad to see that there was a package of 2 T-bones and 1 package of filets. Looked like I would be grilling out. I couldn't wait to fire up the grill.

Of course it is only fitting that we have french fries with our steaks. And what better as an accompaniment than frozen peaches and strawberries that had been tucked away in the freezer last summer. Delicious!

Dan's roommate happened to come home as we were outside and he made mention that he was heading to his house to throw in a TV dinner for supper. I couldn't let that happen. So we were joined at our banquet by Rich, who greatly appreciated the offer and felt he was a definite winner on this one.

So, I guess spring has begun, or at least the grilling season. Even though we are supposed to have an inch of snow and freezing rain tomorrow night, we are of the firm belief that, once steaks have made an appearance, groundhog agreeing or not, spring has arrived.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Bulletin Board

It's that special time of the evening to get my bulletin board up. I must congratulate you timeless troopers who, even though you have all graduated from high school and college, forged ahead and tried to answer this simple 5th grade problem (see blog below.) I have a full fledged winner who emerged from the pack with the correct answer the very first time, although she said that someone told her to be careful because there was a minor fact she might miss (we call that cheating in our classroom but hey, who am I to judge?) So any way, Janice's name is put on the BULLETIN BOARD with a gold star next to it. Honorable mentions go to team Ellen/Chad and Nick. Way to go guys. Love that spirit!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

All Those Kids with Backpacks

Just a little something to get the creative juices flowing today. How is your stamina? Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Here is a fifth grade math problem that you can ponder and work on at your leisure. It will be kind of fun to kick up your heels and throwback to the days of yon. Let's see how smart you are.

There are seven children on a school bus riding to school. Each child has seven backpacks. Inside each backpack there are seven big cats. For each big cat, there are seven little cats. How many legs are on the bus? (As someone (namely Nick) mentioned, technically there are no legs on a bus, only wheels but how many legs are riding in the bus?)

Email me back with your answer at mtolley51@gmail.com and I'll let you know if you get the answer correct. There could be a gold star for those of you who get it right. I'll publish your name on my blog (i.e. the bulletin board).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Death and Taxes

They say only two things are certain in life, death and taxes. I have spent the biggest portion of my evening doing one of the above and I can imagine that you have guessed it is the taxes part! You're right. Anyway, we had a gorgeous day of 68 degrees and instead of a nice evening walk or curling up with a good book, we did taxes.

Farmers have to file by March 1 so Steve is meeting with our accountant tomorrow. All papers and figures are in order (we think) ready to be picked apart, studied, and recategorized tomorrow. Paying taxes is a necessary evil, but the thing I hate about it most is the time it takes to do it.

So, in order to live through this grueling task, I bought myself a sack of Dove dark chocolates with almonds. Dove has a way of soothing what ails you and makes it all better. Add to that some cups of red raspberry tea and who could complain? Besides, maybe, just maybe, I'll get something back in the form of a refund!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Diamond in the Rough

I'm not really into a video kick, but I was working around the house today and remembered a video our minister showed us right before Thanksgiving that still brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. Reverend Parker was talking about grace, gifts from God, and the humility to use them to the best of our abilities. This video portrays all of the above in a most tremendous way.

Paul Potts! Such a name. You tend to think of a dork, someone who has nothing going for him just because of his name. A mobile phone salesman. Trying out for the TV show "Britain's Got Talent." You will not want to miss this one. He lacks confidence he says. What an inspiration to us all.

Watch and enjoy. As a matter of fact, watch it many times. And then watch it when you want to believe in the greatness and gifts that are given to each one of us. Share with many!


Friday, February 6, 2009

I Love Jesus but I Drink a Little

This is a must see! If you haven't been entertained for a while, take a minute to click on this link from the Ellen DeGeneres show and be prepared to howl. I haven't been so entertained for quite a while.

I love little old ladies who have such a good outlook on life and aren't afraid to speak their minds. I hope when I'm 88 I have as much gusto as Gladys does!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Knit One, Purl One: A Knitter's Mantra

I love to knit! Anyone who knows me is not surprised when I pull a skein of yarn and some needles out of my purse or bag when sitting for any time longer than five minutes. I always have a project but not always a purpose.

My knitting needles sat idle for many years when my children were in sports and school activities. I never had much time to sit, let alone be creative. About four years ago I picked up my needles again and have relished our time together since then. It is not uncommon for me to come home after a day's work and sit down with a cup of hot tea and pick up on my project where I left off. Very little relaxes me more than that. Just sitting down for a length of time is a struggle for me so I believe the old saying "busy hands are happy hands."

I love making children's clothes and hats, afghans, and adult sweaters. Aran knits pose a challenge for me and there's nothing more I like than a challenge. I will rip out half of a sweater if I make one little mistake. Perfection is a must in my work. I take great pride in my goods. My knitted works are usually gifts for someone, seldom do they end up in my house. Steve often asks, "Who are you making that for?" I usually don't have an answer, it's just fun to make something new.

I would never want to know how many hours I put into each piece because I would be astounded. If I charged even minimum wage for a fisherman's wool sweater the cost would be prohibitive. These are labors of love and the cost is priceless. What amount can you put on something that soothes your nerves, gives you time to think, alleviates the ADHD tendency in me, and results in gifts to give to friends? Call if you need anything. This long, cold winter has helped me add to my inventory.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fabulous Hat

Every once in a while, a fashion might strike my fancy. Although I'm not really into the whole fashion scene, I am impressed when I see someone pull something off that fascinates me. Today, it was Aretha Franklin and her fabulous hat.

When I first saw it, I thought, "Man, how great is that!" She is such an impressive enough woman with her strong, decisive voice and spirit that she hardly needed the hat. But it sure worked for her. What pizazz. I didn't know that hats like that were even made any more. What a great fashion statement.

I remember my grandmother and her hats. She never went anywhere without one, especially if you were going out. It didn't matter if it was to the grocery store or church, you wore a hat. I still have some of those hats hanging in my house or tucked away in those antique hat boxes. They make me smile when I see them.

Maybe hats will come back. If I could look as good and carry off hats the same way that Aretha can, I would be at the mall tomorrow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've Been For A Walk On A Winter's Day

The Mamas and Papas used this phrase in one of their more popular songs, California Dreaming. For those of you who have never heard of the Mamas and Papas, they were a very popular, folksy kinda group very famous during the 70's.

Football playoffs were on TV and I wasn't interested. I didn't feel much like sitting and had little to do in the house. Going shopping meant I would spend money so I was looking for alternatives.

As I looked outside, I noticed that it had just begun snowing and there was no wind whatsoever, temperature 27, very warm considering what we had been through last week, and so a walk seemed in order to clear out the cobwebs. After donning mittens, a goose down coat, scarf, and my Uggs, I was set to conquer Old Man Winter.

It was glorious. I was alone in the world with snow softly swirling around me. There is a calmness and peacefulness that comes with a walk like this. Sounds are exacerbated, small motions by animals scurrying through the snow are easily evident, and one can get lost in their own thoughts. Before I knew it, I was one mile away from home and not in the least bit cold. Other than the evening beginning to settle, I had no reason to begin the trek home but alas, daylight leaves quickly this time of the year.

I drug my feet in the snowdrifts, tried to see if I could stay atop the deeper ones, sometimes falling in but high boots prevented me from being distraught about that. I looked at tracks in the snow and imagined the animals who had also made this journey, wondering what their intent might have been. Our dog accompanied me part of the way but got tired of my meandering and went about his own pace. I decided as long as I could see the lights of the farm I would make it home safely.

All good things must come to an end but the calmness and tranquility will stay with me for quite a while. God and I worked out a lot of things during this walk. I had no set agenda to talk to Him about, but we visited nonetheless. What a special gift to be given a day like this. It's ours for the taking and free. If that isn't a gift, I don't know what is!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


For the past I don't know how many years, a group of teachers and those connected with education have met every payday at a local coffee shop, which is every two weeks. We span a wide range of ages, from the teacher who is in his second year to those of us with well over 25 years of experience. We aren't all teachers at the same school, though at one time most of us have taught with someone else in the group.

We visit about things that educators would tend to visit about. We share family stories, vacation plans, and ways to save the world. But mostly we just cherish each other. At 6:30 in the morning, we depend on our friends to help us wake up and get us motivated until the next payday and we meet again.

Last year we gave ourselves a name: CICOHAGT: Committee In Charge Of Having A Good Time. Kind of hokey, but it gets us through. We have enjoyed our visits so much that we will drive through rain, snow, sleet, and -23 degree weather to have coffee. As a matter of fact, we have gone to a weekly meeting, every Friday, to share and commiserate with each other.

So, if you're ever in town, awake at 6:30 on a Friday morning and you have nothing to do, drop on down to Innkeepers and join us for a cup of coffee. No admission needed. A new person just means a new perspective, which we always welcome.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How Cold Was It? It was so cold......

I nearly froze to death. Minus 27 here on Thurs. night, a new record low. Who comes up with those numbers? I always did have a challenge when it came to math and negative numbers, but I understand these numbers real well. They are extremely "negative."

My students were asking me at what point it is too cold. I hated to tell them we were there but I explained to them that at minus 40, a person could spit and it would be frozen before it hit the ground (I would already be frozen and wouldn't even have the chance to spit!) Then I was telling them about Barrow, Alaska, way up north, where the daily HIGH temperature since the beginning of winter was, hold your breath, minus 31. The average HIGH! And I think I have it bad. They passed an unwritten "law" of sorts in Alaska this winter that said students could go outside to play during recess at school if the temperature was above minus 20. I guess they got tired of staying in. Looks like they got to go outside for recess today!

You know, when you think you have it bad, there is always someone worse off than you. Case closed!